Tag Archive for: Fun

One of my latest fun creative essence infusion play & guidance tools is Dubble.

Dubble is a free iPhone app (and it’s been developed for Android as well…) that I happen to bump into in divine timing and since have become a dubble maniac enjoying the random yet surprizing dubbing, mixing and matching of my images with those of strangers, friends and my own. Since the beginning I was amazed how often my images started to get a whole new and poignant meaning. Not just looking cool but often even revealing messages that seemed to hit the spot.

I liked this random play with fortune or guidance (whatever you believe in) so much that I included dubble In my recent Intuitive Creative Adventure Class as a creative guidance and play tool and my playmates really caught the same fire and started using dubble like an oracle. It’s so fun! Not all dubbles make sense and some are just there for the process of revealing the most surprizing masterpieces.

Anyhow when you know me you know I am a cosmic lover (oh wow – or did I just come out with that!??) – anyhow I love images of the galaxies. And inspired by my friends who started playing with star images I started to dubble and it turned into an entire collection or series. What I love about those images that they put things into perspective and reveal another dimension of our being that usually remains hidden to most eyes. As an energy healer however they often remind me of our multidimensional beingness, plus some are just plain funny or weird.

in’joy with cosmic giggles,




And here is the special collection with an important message of the source ;)

Be Good. Don’t Cry. Love Filth. Put the Record on. Rock’n’Roll. Hey Ho Let’s Go! Est. Remain: 18 min. 

Image Credits / Dubble Co-Creators: 
Part 1: pinterst, wibstar, helopuro, enlightener, kratata
Part 2: pinterst, wibstar, helopuro, majoespi
Part 3: pinterst, wibstar, helopuro, shellythepirate, anabolcina, cocaine, rabea
Part 4: pinterst, wibstar, singlesword, delberty, tiggar88, janesaid6, tutu_ting
Part 5: pinterst, wibstar, helopuro, siora, 1989pololee, xideserts, danttin, paisleybird
Part 6: pinterst, wibstar, rcklessabandon, miltim, Imcfreeman, qxzzxq, zhuangxiangliu, raijard, juhivyas
Part 7: pinterest, wibstar, anarchytechture, tattooartist, winnie1706, Itbeefeater
others: tululli
Images of universe are taken from pinterest coming from different sources. Unfortunately I can’t make out all sources or credits. Please forgive me if I didn’t credit an image.
takequickbreak.com, NASA, R Jay Gabany, and others



Well, this week’s channeled drawing seems a little out of the ordinary. (well most of these drawings are actually… thihii)… as it has a lot of different elements that may seem not to go together at first. So I am really curious what you see in this one for yourself.

In my experience these drawings unfold their meaning or guidance with time, so perhaps it will all make more sense at the end of the week. I look forward to reading your experience, comments, insights as I did last week. Thanks for your lovely sharings. It’s a pleasure to read them and gain new perspective through you.

Now see for yourself: the new Channeled Drawing for the week of April 29-May 5, 2013. 

And here are my own insights on this one. Click play to view the video.


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Here are some questions to deepen your personal experience with this:

  • What out of the ordinary would you like to experience next week?
  • How open are you to receive something that doesn’t make sense?

As always I would love to hear your insights, heart sharings and guiding messages for the coming week. Please share them here on the blog or write me directly.

If you enjoyed my channeled drawing guidance and know of people who would like it as well and join in on the sharings, share the video or image on facebook, social media. I am beyond grateful for your support.
With cosmic giggles from my heart to yours,


A fun way to learn or teach anything new, create visuals!

Some fun little side project that came about while talking to my Israeli friend. I love signs and was curious to learn the hebrew letters. I think they just look so beautiful. Since I am a very visual person images always help me learn to memorize things like words in different languages and actually drawing and focusing on the word while activley doing something with it works wonders. Now here are the first images. Perhaps it’s gonna be a little series.
Perhaps this is spirit guiding me to a trip to Israel? I am feeling a nudge that I might gonna leave this city for a while but who knows…

Hope you enjoy the drawings. Share them if you like and/or tell me in the comments what other words you like to learn with visuals… coming up next are colors!!!